Step Into Soul Alignment

Discover Human Design

What’s worse than driving somewhere you’ve never been without a map or  directions? That’s what it can feel like when you don’t know your Human  Design.  

Human Design is a modern day “multi-faceted system,” brought to life by  Ra Uru Hu in 1987, which includes encrypted codes and downloads from 5  ancient wisdom traditions: 

Astrology, The Chakra System, IChing, The Kabbalah Tree of Life and  Quantum Physics. 

Human Design guides us in how we’re meant to show up this lifetime, it  invites you to participate in a “life-transforming, living experiment” with  all the practical tools and information needed to live our unique design…  fully and boldly, using our natural magnetism and grace.  

Human Design has 3 main key aspects that unlock your truest potential in 

the most empowering ways possible.


#1 Energy Type

Our Energy Type is our “energetic blueprint” that speaks on our behalf  even when we’re not consciously aware. It’s how we exchange energy with  people and the world around us. 

There are 5 energy types and each type has its own unique gifts to share  with the world. 


Generators “listen to your gut.” Generators are approximately 32% of the population. Generators are the life force of the planet and cornerstones of
society. They’re here to find their “right work and master it,” doing what
excites and lights them up. They have the most attracting and magnetic
energy when they’re in alignment and having fun!

Manifesting Generators  

Manifesting Generators and Generators are similar. Manifesting Generators  make up 35- 38% of the population and are a Hybrid between a Manifestor  and a Generator. Manifesting Generators are here to excite us, bring fresh  energy to others and stimulate with their “powerhouse energy.” They have  the ability to do many things with great ease and have a magnetic and  captivating energy. Manifesting Generators give others the permission to  be their authentic selves.


Projectors are the natural guides and leaders. They make up 20% of the  population. They can “see into others very clearly” but can have a hard time seeing themselves.  

Projectors “need to be seen and heard” by the right people and “wait for  the invitation” to unleash their huge potential and gifts.  

Projectors are not here to do “all the work” they are here to guide. Be the  “Lighthouse”  .


Manifestors “make things happen.” They’re about 8% of the population and  with their “initiating energy, vision and leadership” can be a catalyst for  transformational change, but don’t forget to “inform “ as you initiate! 


Reflectors are very rare, only 1% of the population. Reflectors have NO  defined centers, they’re designed to “sample” the energies round them and  reflect it back. 

It’s massively important for Reflectors to be in the right environment with  the right people. They need to establish strong boundaries to keep  themselves happy and healthy. The gift of the Reflector is to show the  collective/humanity who they truly are. They are like the “wise guru.

Do you know your Human Design? 

#2 Your Authority and Strategy 

Your Authority and Strategy work “hand in hand” to bring ease and flow to  your life. If you take anything away from Human Design, make sure these 2  things are it! 

Your Authority is your unique “inner guidance system” that guides you to  your wisest decisions. It’s always about trusting even when it makes no  sense. It’s your ability “to take charge of your life.” 

Your Strategy is how you’re designed to interact with the world, it’s how  you’re meant to operate . 

How much you “tune into and use” your Strategy in relation to your  Energy Type, will dictate how much ease and flow you will experience in  life.  

#3 Your Profile

Many people don’t get very excited about the Profiles, but I love them! 

 I think they bring a “juiciness” that helps complete the picture of this  beautiful system.  

Each Profile line is an archetype in itself, and speaks to our life purpose  and personality in a dualistic way. Each of the 12 Profiles speak to a  different combination of energies that come together to create our unique  portrait.  

 Your Profile completes the picture, it describes how you interact with life  and people. Your Profile reveals not “just the person but their interactions.”

Human Design Readings

Human Design Deep Dive

Investment: $200 USD

Holistic Human Design Reading for Life/Business

Investment: $275 USD

Includes a Distance Reiki Session with Intuitive Card Reading

Human Design “Mini Exploration”

Investment: $75 USD

Open to the world of Human Design today! Meet your “Energy Type, Authority & Strategy andProfile”


Alice is an amazing and generous soul sister to me! I finally had the chance  to fully listen to the Human Design reading she did for me and OMG every  single word was spot on for me. It helps explain so many things I have felt  

that I needed to work on changing about myself. It turns out these very  things are my super powers.  

WOW is all I can say and if you haven’t had a reading by Alice what in the  world are you waiting for? 

I can finally say at 53 that I am very close to reaching my bedrock of career  contentment and it feels really good. I am so grateful for you Alice thank  you so much

Elaine T.  

Alice, I can’t thank you enough for my Human Design reading. Every  aspect of it resonated for me, and has provided me so much clarity and  understanding, and ultimately, greater acceptance of myself. I have spent  most of my life trying to conform to how society has told me I needed to be,  and some aspects of that are so uncomfortable. It is such a relief to know  that on a grand, spiritual level, that it is truly just part of how I am, of who I  am really meant to be. So, I can give myself full permission to just allow  my natural state of being, with ease and flow, and let go of the struggle to fit  into a box that was not made for me. This couldn’t have come at a more  perfect time, as I am just starting a process or trusting and surrendering,  and now I have the peace of understanding my design. Thank you, thank  you for all the information you shared!! 

Jacqueline B.