Intuitive card readings

Using our intuitive gifts is such an important part of our human experience.  Each one of us holds the power to tap in at any time to hear these musings.  

One of my long held passions is to guide others to open to these musings.  To clear away any doubts and fears, and listen with a compassionate heart.  

Enlightened Guidance

Investment: $80 USD
Duration: 30 min.

Soul Deep Immersion

Investment: $140 USD

Duration: 60 min

Soul Align 365

Investment: $200 USD
Duration: 90 min.

In this month by month “intuitive channeled reading” you will experience a  Distance Reiki Session, with Reiki energies infused into each months  guidance as well as identifying the Guides, Ascended Masters and Divine  Feminine Goddess working with you at the time.

Soul Align 365 will help you create the awareness, clarity and alignment  needed to step into your most powerful self!