“Loving yourself and knowing who you are on the inside are the cornerstones to accepting yourself unconditionally.” ~

Every woman reading this knows the hatred of that  “lumpy, bumpy, dimpled orangepeel skin” on her thighs, buttocks, stomach and arms.  How those little fat deposits just beneath the surface of the skin made your heart sink the first time you saw them in your bikini will forever be written….

We have all been led to believe that cellulite is a medical condition, but it’s not, as Web MD  explains; “Cellulite is nothing more than normal fat beneath the skin. The fat appears bumpy  because it pushes against connective tissue, causing the skin above to pucker.”

Even as young girls, hearing the word fat, made us cringe.  Some of us have spent a lifetime trying to rid ourselves of any shame, insecurity and guilt associated with body image.  For all the soul-searching, self discovery and accepting of ourselves we have done in our lives, it’s still amazing how this thing called cellulite can light a bonfire ofconversation among women. More than anything, feelings of being “not good enough or not looking good enough,” I should say, spark feelings of self-loathingand continue to keep us held captive in search of approval.


Having cellulite doesn’t mean you’re overweight, even thin people can have it. It’s time we take the power away from this word and know it for what it is, just FAT!  As we age things just change, period, but we now have a lifetime of  knowledge and if we want to take charge of our life, we can change it. No excuses, no blame.


What is obvious is that cellulite is much more common in women than men. If other women in your family have cellulite there’s a good chance you will too. There are other factors that influence cellulite and how visible it can be, they  include the following;

  • Poor Diet

Eating a diet high in fat, processed foods filled with chemical additives, carbohydrates and salt contribute highly to cellulite. Diets with little fiber and lacking in fruits and vegetables also are factors. adopting  a clean diet as much as possible will not only help you lose weight but make it easier to reduce the signs of cellulite. Check out Food Babe to get the low down  on healthy eating .

  • Fad Dieting
  • Slow Metabolism
  • Lack of  physical activity. Here are some of the best exercises  for women over 50. 
  • Hormone Changes-  Hormones play an important role in cellulite development. Some believe estrogen,insulin, noradrenaline thyroid hormones and prolactin are apart of the cellulite production process.
  • Dehydration  and this is a biggie, drink lots of water daily.
  • Lifestyle –  Those who are smokers are more likely to have cellulite. If you don’t exercise regularly or if you sit or stand for long periods of time, you too may see an increase in cellulite.
  • Clothing- clothing that is tight with elastic across the buttocks  (constricting blood flow) may contribute to the formation of cellulite.


Here’s where you have the real power.  It’s not always easy but it’s simple. A few lifestyle changes and a shift in your consciousness can allow you take your power back and love the skin you’re in . Each decision you make to take charge of your life not letting anything derail you, the stronger you become in spirit. Never allowing anyone or anything to make you feel shame or guilt goes a long way in building momentum.

Treatments for cellulite have become more abundant over the years. Some are very costly and have no scientific or medical proof to support long term results. Having said that, there is an array of therapeutic methods  available:


  • Lymphatic drainage massage
  • Heat therapy
  • Pneumatic massage
  • radio frequency therapy
  • magnetic therapy
  • radial waves therapy
  • endermologie
  • electrical stimulation


  • methylxanthines  (caffeine)
  • amino acids
  • beta- agionists and adrenaline
  • pentoxifylline
  •  ginkgo biloba
  • rutin
  • Indian chestnut

Many people have tried these agents topically, orally or by injection but have had little to no success with showing any noticeable benefits.

Throughout my life I have suffered with cellulite, having gotten worse as I was going through menopause.  I have tried a few of the fore mentioned therapies but they were  either to costly and barely made a difference, (endermologie)  or not effective at all – any topical cremes I tried, until I came across a product, Nerium Firm Body Contour Creme about 2 years ago.

Nerium Firm is the first clinically proven product to reduce the appearance ofcellulite( not eliminate cellulite like other cremes claim to do) with nature based ingredients including NAE-8 (Nerium’s  globally patented anti oxidant) and  a powerful peptide matrix.  It also smooths the skin with forskohlii root and caffeine, tones and tightens problem areas and hydrates and soothes the skin with green tea leaf extract, white willow bark and cocoa and shea butters.  Check out this short video review from INSTYLE  magazine.

I was very skeptical at first because nothing had ever worked on my cellulite, but I gave it a try. To my amazement within 3 weeks I started to see very noticeable results and so did many of my friends. Being in the beauty industry I have access to the best, most effective products available and I’ve tried most of them!  Never did I have results,  ever… until Nerium Firm, pictured below are my results along with some friends :

Now at 60, I do love my body even with some cellulite!

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I’d love to hear your story regarding cellulite. Comment below or connect with me at ragingbeautyandwellness@gmail.com.

Written By: Alice Wilcox

June 26, 2016

Reference sources: Wed MD

Medical News Today