I remember when I was a few years away from turning 50, having short hair for over 2 decades , I decided I didn’t want to”start that chapter” with short hair, hence, a decade plus of many incarnations of  long hair.   Now after turning 60, I’ve been envisioning a short, fun, sexy, head turning haircut could be in my future!  Decisions, decisions……

Letting your hair grow is a much easier task “psychologically” than cutting it off. You decide you want long hair and basically know your going to struggle with it until you reach your desired goal. Simple right? Not always so simple when deciding to cut your hair short, but the idea of getting a fresh new look seems exciting and fun! How many times has cutting  your hair short crossed your mind, dozens,  maybe hundreds of times, we all think about it but most of us never take the leap. 

Read the “checklist” below to get the perfect cut…..


  •   Know your face shape and how your new style will frame your face. Knowing if your face shape is oval, round, long or rectangle will allow you to  search options that will flatter you and see how a particular style will frame your face in all the right places.
  • Think about your hair texture and density.  Being realistic about what your hair can actually do or not do will help you pick a style that uses your texture and density to your advantage and help you pick the perfect style.
  •  How short do you want to go? Most women are intimidated to go short so they fall short of taking their style short enough, “leaving them in the dreaded soccer mom zone”  instead of the sexy, feminine, fun, eye catching  cut they originally envisioned.
  • Get reference pictures from all angles. Any great stylist loves pictures, it gives the conversation direction and clarity. Be sure to get ALL angles of the cut, not seeing the back or side leaves room for miscommunication.
  • Consider the style – high/ low maintenance. Think about the maintenance  involved with your style choice. Be realistic about the time you are willing to invest to look great.
  • Find the right Stylist. First and foremost, this will make your dream of getting the perfect cut a reality. See an amazing cut on someone? Ask them “WHO did the cut”, not just the salon they visited.
  • Prepare yourself to change up your tools and products. With a new style comes new tools and products to achieve the desired look. Make sure your stylist takes the time to show you all the products and tools you’ll need to recreate the look. If they don’t, ask them before you leave the chair.
  •  Be prepared to accessorize your cut with new make up and jewelry. New look new YOU! Short hair is great for adding bold jewelry and stepping up your usual makeup. Most salons  have someone who can show you new make up techniques, take advantage of their expertise, it will take your new look to the next level.
  •  Prepare yourself:

For the “shock factor”. Give yourself at least 24 hours to reacquaint  yourself with the NEW you.

You’ll miss your long hair. It’s normal.

You’ll feel regret.  That’s normal too.

People will have their opinions, let them.